Energy transition is all about teamwork!

At ING, we support companies in their energy transition projects. Jean Clement of Voyages Josy Clement S.A. describes the step-by-step energy transition process he did with ING’s help. 

To find out more, contact us or talk to your relationship manager.

ING Luxembourg and the European Investment Bank (EIB) are renewing their partnership to provide a financing programme to support Luxembourgish SMEs

As part of the partnership between ING and the European Investment Bank (EIB), a programme has been set up by the EIB to provide financial support to “climate action and environmental sustainability” projects. All Luxembourgish SMEs interested in an investment loan or leasing can benefit from a reduced interest rate for this type of financing. Learn more

Society is transitioning to a low-carbon economy. So are our clients, and so is ING. We finance a lot of sustainable activities, but we still finance more that’s not. See how we’re progressing on

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