If you want to give your project, whatever it is, the best chance of success, the first attitude to adopt is to focus on the Why, not the How. Instead of asking yourself how you would carry out your project, ask yourself why you want to achieve it. What inspires you? What results are you expecting? Which particular aspect of your life do you want to change? Give concrete answers and not platitudes like “I want to become rich and famous”. Wealth and celebrity are consequences, not goals.
On the contrary, if you are focusing on the How, you will be quickly discouraged, especially if your project is important. By listing all means you need, you will realize how difficult it is to carry out a project and rapidly give up. However, people who have managed to succeed without money and without special skills are legion. For instance, the founder of the famous brand Apple, Steve Jobs, heralded as a genius and a visionary, has never been an inventor, an engineer or a high-skilled computer specialist. And, at the beginning, he didn’t have any money: the first Apple computer was created in his family garage.