Contrary to popular belief, there is no direct link between the rise in key rates by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the increase in variable rates on home loans in Luxembourg.
A few words of explanation are in order. The ECB's mandate is to stabilise prices within the European Union. When inflation rises too quickly, as is currently the case, the ECB raises its key rates until the high inflation is brought under control. The rates set by the ECB can influence the interest rates offered by banks to individuals and businesses, but they are not the only ones. In a market economy such as that of the euro area, rates also depend on the supply and demand for credit, in other words the amounts that companies wish to spend and invest, and the total mass of credit available.
The situation is slightly different for home loan rates. It is true that Luxembourg banks, like other European banks, obtain financing from the ECB, but rarely for this type of loan. The variable rates used by banks in Luxembourg are floating rates that are not linked to a particular market benchmark such as the key ECB rates[1]. In other words, each bank is free to adjust the variable rates on its mortgages upwards or downwards depending on a number of factors specific to each bank: refinancing conditions, the rates offered by competing banks, the balance sheet approach, the cost of liquidity and so on. Market conditions may therefore vary from one bank to another, and each bank may assess them differently.
A bank may therefore decide to adjust the variable rates on its mortgages upwards or downwards in a way that does not replicate moves in the ECB's key rates, or to make the same adjustments as the ECB, but with a time lag. Everything will depend on the bank's internal commercial policy. Your borrower profile will also have an impact on the level of the interest rate.
Now that you understand a little more about the factors that influence rates, you can minimise the negative impact on your situation.