FAQ Account Closure

The following questions are intended only for the clients who have received a letter inviting them to an easy account opening process and special conditions at BGL BNP Paribas. If you did not receive a letter with such invitation or are not interested to benefit from this offer, please go to the standard termination process FAQ page.

Closing my accounts at ING

ING's impacted customers will receive a dedicated letter explaining this partnership and the special offer they can benefit from at BGL BNP Paribas.

No, you are not obliged to open your account at the BGL BNP Paribas, but the special offer is only available with BGL BNP Paribas.
Go to this FAQ page if you are not interested to benefit from this offer.

If you did not receive a dedicated letter explaining this partnership and the special offer you could benefit from at BGL BNP Paribas, you are not concerned at this stage and no action is required from your side. We remain at your disposal for any questions you may have

There are three conditions: 

  1. You must be an ING customer;
  2. Have received a letter from ING inviting you to take advantage of this offer;
  3. Open an account with BGL BNP Paribas by following all the steps on page 3 of your letter, before the date mentioned in your letter.

Here are the 4 steps to follow (online or in a branch): 

    1. Online:
      • Download the .pdf version of your invitation letter on your My ING secured messages
      • Go to https://www.bgl.lu and start your onboarding journey by clicking on “Open an Account”
      • Upload the .pdf file during the account opening process.
      • Sign your account opening process with your LuxTrust credentials, as requested by the BGL BNP Paribas. This will act as a signature of this letter and especially the consent form, that will allow for the steps 3 and 4 below to be made for you.
    2. In a branch:
      • Choose a BGL BNP Paribas branch (Kirchberg, Gare, Cloche d’Or, Esch Centre, Dudelange, Differdange, Ettelbruck or Strassen):
      • Schedule an appointment by calling +352 42 42 90 90 (8:30 am - 06:00pm, from monday to friday) or sending an e-mail to welcome.ing@bgl.lu .
      • Bring to your appointment all pages of this letter.
      • You will then be requested to sign this letter and especially the consent form to allow the step 3 and 4 below to be made for you.
  1. If you have a negative balance at ING, please make sure to cover as soon as possible, as we will need to proceed with closing your account(s).
  2. Once your new account is up and running, BGL BNP Paribas will inform ING of your new IBAN. ING will then transfer your remaining positive balance on your new account.
  3. This will automatically trigger the start of the termination process with a final closure of your ING accounts within 30 days. We will take care of the closure of your account and will contact you only if needed.

There are no charges for closing your accounts if the transfer is made in euro to accounts in your name at a bank in the eurozone.  The charges that will be deducted are custody charges, i.e. the charges relating to the activity of the account before the closing date, as well as any debit interests.

Once your account has been opened in BGL BNP Paribas, BGL BNP Paribas makes available free of charge a banking mobility service from your ING account to BGL BNP Paribas bank. The IBAN of your ING recurrent transfers and withdrawals will be automatically updated.

All information about this service can be found on your Client's Web Banking at BGL BNP Paribas website.

If you are already a BGL BNP Paribas customer, you cannot take advantage of the special conditions. You will then enter the standard termination process at ING and will receive a letter with the procedure for closing your account.

Once your new account is up and running, BGL BNP Paribas will inform ING of your new IBAN. ING will then transfer your remaining positive balance on your new account. This will automatically trigger the start of the termination process with a final closure of your ING accounts within 30 days from the account opening at BGL BNP Paribas. We will take care of the closure of your account and will contact you only if needed.

Please note that there is no obligation for you to choose BGL BNP Paribas as your new banking partner. You are free to choose any other bank. You will then enter the standard termination process and will be asked to close your accounts at ING.

Yes you will have the incentive for a new account on your name or a joint account with your partner but not for the existing account of your partner.

In this case, they are not concerned at this stage and no action is required from their side. 

Yes you can benefit from this offer if you open a private account.

This offer was negotiated with BGL BNP Paribas after the notification you received on the termination of the relationship. Unfortunately, you will not be able to take advantage of this offer.

This offer was negotiated with BGL BNP Paribas after that you initiated a termination of relationship with ING. Unfortunately, you will not be able to take advantage of this offer.

ING will not share your data with BGL BNP Paribas. BGL BNP Paribas will share your data with ING only if/after you give your consent by signing the "consent" part of the letter you received.

  1. Data Sharing Consent: BGL BNP Paribas to share with ING a copy of this form as well as my full name, date of birth and my new account references in order to facilitate the transfer of remaining assets and closure of all accounts held by me at ING (hereinafter the “Personal Data”). ING and BGL BNP Paribas may as well exchange all the Personal Data necessary to process any complaint initiated by me in relation to the opening of my New Account (as mentioned below) and/or the transfer of remaining assets and closure of my accounts at ING.
  2. Banking Secrecy: ING to share all relevant information with BGL BNP Paribas and BGL BNP Paribas S.A. to share all relevant information with ING as part of the account opening process with BGL BNP Paribas.
  3. Account Closure: ING to transfer, within 30 days from the BGL BNP Paribas account opening, all my remaining positive balances of all accounts held by me at ING to the new account opened at BGL BNP Paribas (hereinafter the “New Account”) and then close (all) my ING account(s). I note that the processing of the closure of my ING account(s) may take several working days after receipt by BGL BNP Paribas of this form, and before the remaining balance is available on my New Account. This transfer will be processed in one single transaction by ING after having consolidated the positive balance(s) (and after having set them off with any negative balance(s) of my ING accounts). 
  4. Data Processing: my Personal Data will only be collected and processed for the purposes mentioned above by ING and BGL BNP Paribas in accordance with their respective personal data statements and general terms and conditions applicable to my accounts as well as all applicable data protection laws.  

As per our Privacy Statement for ING Luxembourg customers, we do not store your personal data longer than we need to for the purposes set out in Section 3 (What we do with your personal data) for which we have processed it.

Consequently, retention periods may depend on circumstances. When assessing how long to keep personal data, retention requirements might be stipulated by other applicable laws (for instance, anti-money laundering law). Personal data collected in the context of the conclusion or performance of an agreement can also be kept as evidence in litigation. 

In most cases, this will be up to ten years after the end of our agreement or business relationship with you. Sometimes we use different storage periods. For example, if the supervisory authority requires us to store certain personal data longer or if you have filed a complaint that makes it necessary to keep the underlying personal data for a longer period. Other data collected by surveillance cameras are kept for shorter periods as required by law. If we no longer need your personal data as described above, we delete or anonymise the personal data, in accordance with regulatory provisions and applicable law.

All information regarding the transfer process and timing are explained in the letter that each impacted client receives. 

Go on My ING app and download all your statements:

  • Select "My documents" in the main menu
  • Select "Account statements"
  • Select the account for which you wish to download the statements
  • You can now download the most recent statements
  • If you wish to download older statements, you can use the "search" option.

Download other relevant documents already available in My ING (statement of charges, tax certificate, debit interest certificate, etc.).
You can find all the different categories via the "My documents" menu in the main menu.

Opening my accounts at BGL BNP Paribas

Here are the 4 steps to follow (online or in a branch): 

    1. Online:
      • Download the .pdf version of your invitation letter on your My ING secured messages
      • Go to https://www.bgl.lu and start your onboarding journey by clicking on “Open an Account”
      • Upload the .pdf file during the account opening process.
      • Sign your account opening process with your LuxTrust credentials, as requested by the BGL BNP Paribas. This will act as a signature of this letter and especially the consent form, that will allow for the steps 3 and 4 below to be made for you.
    2. In a branch:
      • Choose a BGL BNP Paribas branch (Kirchberg, Gare, Cloche d’Or, Esch Centre, Dudelange, Differdange, Ettelbruck or Strassen):
      • Schedule an appointment by calling +352 42 42 90 90 (8:30 am - 06:00pm, from monday to friday) or sending an e-mail to welcome.ing@bgl.lu .
      • Bring to your appointment all pages of this letter.
      • You will then be requested to sign this letter and especially the consent form to allow the step 3 and 4 below to be made for you.
  1. If you have a negative balance at ING, please make sure to cover as soon as possible, as we will need to proceed with closing your account(s).
  2. Once your new account is up and running, BGL BNP Paribas will inform ING of your new IBAN. ING will then transfer your remaining positive balance on your new account.
  3. This will automatically trigger the start of the termination process with a final closure of your ING accounts within 30 days. We will take care of the closure of your account and will contact you only if needed.

To receive the € 100 on your new BGL BNP Paribas account,  you need to create recurrent inflow (salary or other income) of more than 1.500 euros per month for 3 months on your new BGL BNP Paribas account.

Please contact BGL BNP Paribas by phone at +352 42 42 90 90 to arrange an appointment in one of BGL BNL Paribas agencies. Online joint account opening is not possible.

Yes you can benefit from this offer if you open a private account.

The deadline for this offer appears on the ING letter inviting you to take advantage of this offer.

My products & services

The regulations require you to destroy the means of payment associated with your former account(s). Take a pair of scissors and cut the cards into several pieces, then throw them into the plastic recycling bin. 

  • As far as the insurance services of your VISA card is concerned, all payments made with your card will remain covered under the terms of the general conditions of your VISA card (article C.1. of our Visa General Terms and Conditions) even after its cancellation.
  • The assistance services linked to your card will cease to apply on the day your card is blocked (i.e. on the date indicated in your letter of cancellation of your card/account).

    If you had chosen to receive your Visa statements via My ING, remember to retrieve them before the date of closure of your accounts.

  • As far as the insurance services of your VISA card is concerned, all payments made with your card will remain covered under the terms of the general conditions of your VISA card (article C.1. of our Visa General Terms and Conditions) even after its cancellation.
  • The assistance services linked to your card will cease to apply on the day your card is blocked (i.e. on the date indicated in your letter of cancellation of your card/account).

    If you had chosen to receive your Visa statements via My ING, remember to retrieve them before the date of closure of your accounts.

Your saving accounts at ING will be closed as well together with your current accounts and all your assets will be transferred to BGL BNP Paribas. To learn more about interest rates at BGL BNP Paribas you can visit https://www.bgl.lu/ or call +352 42 42 90 90.

Clients will have "convention employeur" conditions if the employer has a partnership with BGL BNP Paribas.

Once your account has been opened in BGL BNP Paribas, BGL BNP Paribas makes available free of charge a banking mobility service. The IBAN of your ING recurrent transfers and payments will be automatically updated et BGL BNP Paribas. All information related to this service will be available on your Client's Web Banking at BGL BNP Paribas website.

Once your account has been opened in BGL BNP Paribas, BGL BNP Paribas makes available free of charge a banking mobility service. The IBAN of your ING recurrent transfers and payments will be automatically updated et BGL BNP Paribas. All information related to this service will be available on your Client's Web Banking at BGL BNP Paribas website.

If you have a negative balance at ING, please make sure to cover it as soon as possible, as we will need to proceed with closing your account(s).

This is out of the referral agreement scope; you need to get in touch with BGL BNP Paribas to enquire about their mortgage loan conditions.

More information

We really want to make this process as smooth as possible for you. We have put in place several measures to answer your questions and explain the account transfer process:

How can we help?

My ING - Your online banking solution

Log in and do your transactions when and where you want.

  • My ING, the online banking solution for individuals
  • My ING Pro, the online banking solution for business


My Team - Your Contact Center

For support on online banking, information on our products and our services or any other question, your Contact Center is available from Monday to Friday, 08.30 am to 06.00 pm.

Contact for the press

My Experts - Your network of branches

Our advisors are at your disposal to help you.

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